Class Styles

HUM Studio is the home of traditional Yoga and Meditation on the Northern Beaches. We offer a wide variety of classes to benefit the Mind, Breath and Body.

  • Yin


    Yin is a gentle style of Yoga that helps us to find depth through softening. We settle into each pose and spend time here allowing the dense connective tissue to respond and remodel - fascia, ligaments, tendons and joints.

    These classes are meditative, giving us space to turn inward and notice the physical sensations of your body. A regular Yin practice helps to increase circulation and improve flexibility, as well as surrender into deep relaxation.

  • Sound Bath


    45 minutes of bliss, as we lie on our mat ready to receive the healing effects of Sound and Vibration. This practice is designed to regulate and rebalance our entire nervous system.

    Singing bowls and other sound healing tools produce a frequency and vibration that directly alter the cells in our body organically, by slowing down the brains waves, calming the nervous system and connecting us to a deeper consciousness.

  • Flow


    A moderate-strong Vinyasa class linking breath with movement. We progress through flowing sequences in a dynamic way, leaving our bodies feeling lengthened and strengthened.

    Flow transitions us through many different shapes throughout a class. We turn our focus inward as we notice the muscles, fascia, tissue and organs dance with the breath. Each class is sequenced to safely lead us into a series of stronger Asana, providing options at each stage.

  • Tantric Hatha


    Tantric Hatha is a steady paced practice that focuses on traditional Yogic teachings. It allows us to bring consciousness as we hold each Asana with stability and ease, taking us back to the inner peace that exists within us.

    Each class is specifically sequenced in an effort bring about both physical and mental change. Expect longer holds, Pranayama (breath), Kriyas (cleansing practices), Mudra and Mantra.

  • Yoga Foundations


    A moving meditation, this class invites us to slow our mind by slowing our body. We bring focus to the subtleties of each movement, with particular attention to alignment, safety, and learning the fundamentals of Yoga.

    Perfect for beginners, as well as experienced Yogi’s looking to return to the basics to deepen their practice.

  • Yoga Nidra


    Yoga Nidra is lying down guided meditation, a deeply healing relaxation practice which encourages homeostasis in body and equanimity in mind.

    Often called ‘Yogic Sleep’, Nidra takes us to a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. Over time it will revive us, resuscitate us to who we really are, and prepare us for real life.

  • Pilates


    A mat based Pilates class that focuses on strength, stability, posture, proper breath control and flexibility.

    Pilates uses slow and controlled movements to target small muscle groups, with the emphasis on challenging 'core' muscles with each movement. A Mat based Pilates class is a class for the young and old, experienced and beginner.

  • Slow Flow


    Slow Flow is a gentle practice to bring us back to our centre. It combines focused breath, dynamic stretching and restorative shapes to bring balance into the body.

    This class is perfect for those wishing to experience a Flow class, while also giving their body the chance to slow down.

  • Kundalini


    Kundalini Yoga is a fusion of Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathwork), Mantra (sound), and Meditation that is woven together into a particular sequence that targets an aspect of self. Each class emphasises connection with the breath through short, energetic movements.

    More than just physical, Kundalini has many benefits. It is a form of Yoga that allows us to master our thoughts, broaden our awareness, enhance our flexibility, creativity, and physical wellbeing.

  • Yin & Sound


    A blissful combination of two of our most popular class styles — Yin Yoga and Sound Bath. Relaxing in restorative Yin Yoga postures while receiving the healing benefits of Nepalese and crystal sound vibrations.

    Each posture is held for 3-5 minutes, allowing us to surrender as the dense connective tissue restores and remodels. Being bathed in Sound helps us to relax deeper into each shape, increasing the potency of Yin postures.

  • Yang to Yin Yoga


    The class begins with active, flow inspired movement to connect with the breath, activate the muscles (Yang tissue) and generate prana in the body.

    We then transition to the Yin part of the practice to soften into stillness and surrender. We’re supported with bolsters and props so we can relax the muscles and gain access to the joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia (Yin tissue). We melt into these supportive and restorative postures for longer periods of time to finish feeling totally relaxed and restored.

  • Gentle Hatha


    Gentle Hatha is a long, slow practice that focuses on increasing the range of mobility in the body, building strength and balance for more stability. We feel more connected to your body and mind by slowing down the practice and tuning inward.

    Gentle Hatha classes are 90 minutes to allow space for stillness. This class is perfect for beginners or those returning from injury.

  • Meridian Yoga


    In this class we transition through the meridians of each season. Dynamic movements are interspersed with meditative moments of self-acupressure holds and meridian sweeping to settle the mind and reset the nervous system.

    Meridian Yoga is suitable for all, and a wonderful therapeutic compliment to any Yoga practice.

All our classes include aspects of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation to nourish the soul. There are no “levels” in Yoga, we do not believe that you become “good at it” or begin as “bad at it”. Yoga is an ongoing practice that helps us to bring the Breath, Body and Mind into balance. Yoga meets you where you’re at, and guides you through at your pace.

Read above to know where to begin on your journey.